Guest lecture

Project director, Prof. Dr. Axel Gering, will speak as part of the guest lecture programme of the Winckelmann-Institut at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The lecture will take place Wednesday January 15 2025 at 18.00 in room 2091/92. The presentation is titled “Neue Altäre: Die neuesten Ergebnisse des Ostia-Forum-Projekts“.

Below, you can find the full programme for the academic year of 2024-2025. All the lectures take place at the same location at the same time unless otherwise stated.

The Eigth Ostian Seminar – Ostia before the second century CE

For the eight time, the École Francaise de Rome will host the Ostian seminar. The Ostia Forum Project is represented by three of its members. Prof. Dr. Axel Gering and ph.d. candidate Sophie Menge will be presenting the newest research on the sanctuary discovered in rooms TFR. Ph.d. candidate Daniel Damgaard will be presenting his newest research on the first Forum and its Republican phases.

The seminar will take place between March 21-23 2024. For more on the seminar, see the programme below.