International Colloquia

Presentations regarding Ostia, the Ostia-Forum-Project (OFP) or the Humboldt-Ostia-Forum Excavations (HOF) in international colloquia. Regarding public presentations at university seminars, that is e.g. evening lectures, see this link.

Upcoming presentations

Previous presentations

Rome, École francaise de Rome, Piazza Navona 62, 00186 Rome March 20-23 2024, seminars: Prof. Dr. Axel Gering and ph.d. candidate Sophie Menge, “The Area TFR: The Republican and early Imperial Phases of a previously unknown Sanctuary in the Heart of the Ostian Forum” and ph.d. candidate Daniel Damgaard, “The Forum of Ostia in a Diachronic Perspective. The Republican Phases” in the colloquium L’Ottavo Seminario Ostiense – Ostia prima del II sec. d.C. Un porto, una città, un territorio. Organised by Alessandro D’Alessio, Nicolas Laubry, Grégory Mainet, Thomas Morard and Françoise Van Haeperen and the institutions École francaise de Rome, Academia Belgica and Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica.

Vienna, CHNT, Icomos Austria, from November 15 at 9.00 – November 17 2023 at 16.00. Ph.D. student Johannes Trockels, ‘Lessons learned? The conversion of the Ostian forum in Hadrianic times. Traces of catastrophe resilience measurements in the construction of the main forum and the so-called Capitolium’ in the workshop session ‘Post-Disaster Recovery and Disaster Risk Management in Ancient Times‘, chairperson Laura Pecchioli.

Rome/Ostia antica, Istituto Storico Austriaco (Viale Bruno Buozzi 111-113, Rome), Academia Belgica (Via Omero 8, Rome), Parco archeologico di Ostia Antica (Via dei Romagnoli 717, Rome, loc. Ostia antica), from October 4 at 9.30 -October 7 2023 at 14.30. Prof. Dr. Axel Gering and ph.d. student Sophie Menge, ‘From sanctuary to shops. The transformation of the TFR-area northeast of the Forum from the 2nd to the 3rd century AD’ in the colloquium Urbs in transitum: innovazione e tradizione tra Roma e Ostia nel III secolo. Orgsanised by Istituto Storico Austriaco, Academia Belgica, Parco archeologico di Ostia Antica.

Aarhus (DK-8270 Højbjerg), Moesgaard, Aarhus University, UrbNet, Moesgård Allé 20, 4230-232, December 1 2022, colloquium: In the frame of the Ostia Graduiertenkolleg, one Ph.D. candidate will present the newest research.
Theme 5, “Architectural Marble Decoration on the Forum of Ostia” in Joint PhD Colloquium between Classical Archaeology (Kiel University) and UrbNet (Aarhus University). You can find the programme below.

Rome, Via Sicilia 136, November 2-4 2022, conference: In the frame of the Ostia Graduiertenkolleg, two Ph.D. candidates will present parts of their research.
Theme 1, “Merging the Digital with the Historical – Revisiting the Ostian Northern Forum and its Temple”
Theme 6, “The Forum of Ostia. An XXL site”
in the conference Archaeology and Architecture: New Methodologies for XXL Structures of Ancient Rome arranged by Prof. Dr. Ing. Klaus Rheidt and Ph.D. student M. A. Fabrizio Sommaini (DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1913), both from the Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg. The conference is made in collaboration with DAI in Rome. It will be streamed live. You can find the programme below.

Ostia, Sala Riario della Chiesa di S. Aurea, Piazza della Rocca I, Borgo di Ostia Antica, June 22 – 24 2022, seminar: “Traces of earthquakes at the Forum of Ostia: 12 Years of Survey by the Ostia Forum Project (OFP)” by Prof. Dr. Axel Gering and “The Capitolium as a source of technical construction know-how and seismic effects” (Theme 1 in the Ostia Graduiertenkolleg) in the seminar Hazard and Disaster Risk: Ostia and Portus between Hypothesis and Reality (Evento Naturale e Rischio di Calamità: Ostia e Portus tra Ipotesi e Realtà). Organised by the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica in cooperation with the Humboldt-University of Berlin and the Gerda Henkel Stiftung with Alessandra D’Alessio, Laura Pecchioli and Roberto Meneghini. Read more here.
The event was live-streamed, and the videos saved. You can therefore watch the entire conference via Youtube here. The presentation by Prof. Dr. Axel Gering can be found here starting at 2:11:25. The presentation by ph.d. candidate Johannes Trockels can be found here starting at 27:37.

Odense (DK-5230), University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, Building 21B, May 20 2022, seminar: “A Late Archaic Sanctuary at the Tiber Mouth” (Theme 6 from the Ostia Graduiertenkolleg) and “Latest on Altar and Sanctuary in the Forum of Ostia” (Theme 4 in the Ostia Graduiertenkolleg) in the seminar Collegium Hyperboreum, Sacred Places and Cult in the Greek-Roman World (some presentations will be held in Danish, while others will be held in English). Organised by Niels Bargfeldt, Jane Hjarl Pedersen & Birte Poulsen. For more information, click here.

Rome, École francaise de Rome, Piazza Navona 62, 00186 Rome 18.-19. October 2021, seminars: “Lo scavo dell’Ostia-Forum-Project (OFP) nel 2019: l’area dell’altare di un santuario finora sconosciuto” and “La rivalutazione dei lavori dell’Ostia-Forum-Project (OFP) nel 2021-2020 nell’area dei vecchi scavi di Vaglieri/Finelli: quattro fondazioni per il tempio del dio Vulcano?” in the colloquium “Settimo Seminario Ostiense – Ostia, Porto e oltre: sguardi incociati. Ricerche pluridisciplinari sui porti romani”. Organised by École francaise de Rome and Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica. For more information, click here.

Rome and Ostia, Antiquarium in Ostia Antica, Academia Belgica and La Sapienza University, 18.-20. December 2018, seminar: “Traces of Early Ostia: Perspectives of a Ph.D. Project in the Framework of the Ostia-Forum-Project” in the seminar “Ricerche Archeologia alla Foce del Tevere. Seminario internazionale dei dottorandi e dottorati di ricerca”. For more info, click here. For a video of the presentation, click here.

Berlin, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Botanische Museum, Freie Universität zu Berlin, Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8, 21.-23. Februar 2018, colloquium: “Zum Nachleben einer Ädikula. Beispiele für die radikale Umnutzung eines Tempels auf dem Forum von Ostia” in the colloquium: “13. Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung: Umbau-, Umnutzungs- und Umwertungsprozesse in der antiken Architektur”. For more info, click here.

Rome, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Via Valadier 37, 00193 Rome, 07. Juli 2017, workshop: “Nuove ricerche su Ostia tardo antica”. For more info, click here.

Budapest, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, Egyetem str. 1, 11. May 2017, colloquium: “The results of the Ostia-Forum-Project in the years 2015-2016”. Organised by the Institute of Archaeology.

Rome, École francaise de Rome, Piazza Navona 62, 00186 Rome, 21.-22. October 2015, seminar: “Il foro tardo-antico” in the colloquium: “Terzo seminario Ostiense.” Organised by École francaise de Rome in collaboration with la Sopraintendenza Speciale per il Colosseo, il Museo Nazionale Romano e l’Area Archeologica di Roma, sede di Ostia.

Berlin, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Henry-Ford-Bau, Freie Universität zu Berlin, GaryStr. 35, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem, 13.-16. Mai 2015, colloquium: “Übungsstücke und Umarbeitungen. Zu den Spuren von Werkprozessen einer neu ergrabenen Steinmetzwerkstatt des 5.-6. Jh. n. Chr. am Forum von Ostia” in the colloquium: “12. Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung: Werkspuren. Materialverarbeitung und handwerkliches Wissen im antiken Bauwesen”. For more info, click here.

Rome, Academia Belgica, 22.-24. September 2014, seminar: “Late antique building activities in Ostia’s centre and the west: The unknown 5th century AD seen in the light of recent discoveries of the ‘Ostia-Forum-Project'” in the Colloquium: “Ostia antica. Nuovi studi e confronto delle ricerche nei quartieri occidentali”, organized by Prof. Claire de Ryut (Universitè de Namur) and Prof. Thomas Morard (Universitè de Liege) and Prof. Francoise van Haiperen (Universitè de Louvain)

Hannover, 25.-26. June 2014, seminar: “Ostia: Veränderte Stadtwahrnehmung zwischen Hoher und Später Kaiserzeit” in the Kolloquium: “Stadtwahrnehmung als Sinneswahrnehmung in der Römischen Kaiserzeit”, organized by Prof. Annette Haug and Dr. Patric Kreuz (Institut für Klassische Altertumskunde der CAU Kiel, Klassische Archäologie)

Rom, École francaise de Rome, 15.-16. April 2013, seminar: “Le ultime fasi della monumentalizzazione del Foro di Ostia nel IV, V e VI secolo d. C.: gli scavi della Humboldt-Universität di Berlino 2011-2012”, in the colloquium: “Ostia antica. Secondo seminario di studio in collaborazione con École francaise de Rome e la Sopraintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma”, organized by Prof. Mireille Cébeillac-Gervasoni

Exzellenzcluster TOPOI Berlin, 10.-11. of November 2011, seminar: “The Forum of Ostia in Late Antiquity”, in the workshop November 2011: “Transformations of Ancient Spaces in Late Antiquity. International Workshop, Topoi House Berlin-Mitte”, organized by Dr. Carmen Marcks-Jacobs

Rom, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, The Sack of Rome 410 A. D., 4.-6. of November 2010, seminar: “Mit oder ohne Alarich. Geballte Einsturzkatastrophen, Abriß und der monumentale Wiederaufbau des Forums von Ostia im 5. Jh. n. Chr.”, in the colloquium: “The Sack of Rome in 410 AD. The event, its Context and Impact. Conference held at the German Archaeological Institute at Rome”, organized by Dr. Johannes Lipps, Dr. Carlos Machado and Dr. Philipp von Rummel

Universität Bern (Schweiz), 3.-5. of December 2009, seminar: “Krise, Kontinuität, Auflassung und Aufschwung in Ostia seit der Mitte des 3. Jahrhunderts”, in the colloquium: “L’Empire romain en mutation: Répercussions sur les villes dans la deuxième moitié du IIIe siècle”, organized by Prof. Stefanie Martin-Kilcher and Dr. Regula Schatzmann

Oxford, Trinity-College, 3. of June 2009, seminar: “Late-antique Ostia: the Kent-Berlin excavations 2008-2009”, in the colloquium: “After Rome: Aspects of the History and Archaeology of the 5th to 7th Centuries”, organized by Prof. Bryan Ward-Perkins

King’s College, London, Centre for Hellenic Studies/ Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 15. of March 2008, seminar: “Ruins, Rubbish dumps and Encroachment: Resurveying Late Antique Ostia” in the colloquium: “Synedria-Conferences/Workshops: Late Antique Archaeology 2008, Recent fieldwork in Urban Archaeology. Field Methods and Post-Excavation Techniques in Late Antique Archaeology”, organized by Dr. Luke Lavan, Dr. Tassos Papacostas and Prof. Charlotte Rouche

Darmstadt, Technische Universität, 19.-20. May 2006, seminar: “Genußkultur und Ghettobildung: Ist Ostia repräsentativ für spätantike Metropolen?” in the colloquium “Die antike Stadt im Umbruch. Kolloquium in Darmstadt”, organized by Prof. Rudolf H. W. Stichel and Dr. Nadin Burkhardt