In press
– Damgaard, Daniel. ‘Review of Ostia I. Forma Urbis Ostiae. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung
der Hafenstadt Roms von der Zeit der Republik bis ins frühe Mittelalter. Mit Beiträgen
von Franz Alto Bauer, Alessandro Colantoni, Hanna Hadler, Willian Loerts (†),
Luca Lorio, Ralph Rosenba uer, Andreas Scha ub, Benjamin Streube l und Tina
Wunderlich, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2020 (Sonderschriften, 25), in Latomus.
– Damgaard, Daniel. ‘A pre-Castrum sanctuary at the Tiber mouth?’, in Acta Hyperborea.
– Pedersen, Trine Bak. ‘Inscription and Graffiti from a Sanctuary in Ostia’, in Acta Hyperborea.
– Jensen, Jesper Vestergaard, Steven Götz & Axel Gering. ‘A new 3D reconstruction of the Temple of Roma and Augustus on the Forum of Ostia: preliminary results and reconstructions from the Ostia Forum Project’, in Acta Hyperborea.
Peer Review
– Gering, Axel. ‘Temple Podia buried underneath a Portico? Attempting to re-interpret Finelli’s 1913-Excavations based on Archive Studies, Georadar Surveys, and new Excavations in the Northeast of Ostia’s Forum’, in Atti del settimo seminario ostiense.
– Gering, Axel & Sophie Menge. ‘Liquid Offerings, solid Structures: The Libation Area in the recently discovered TFR-Sanctuary in the Centre of Ostia’, in Atti del settimo seminario ostiense.
In preparation
– Gering, Axel. Ostia-Forum-Project (OFP) volume I – The Republican Forum. The first temples of the colony and the ‘lost’ sanctuary of Volcanus rediscovered, OFP Monographies, Volume 1
– Trockels, Johannes. Das Kapitol von Ostia und die hadrianische Forumserweiterung. Die diachrone Rekonstruktion von Architektur, Baudekor und Ausstattung bis in die Spätantike (Theme 1 – Ostia Graduiertenkolleg), OFP Monographies
– Menge, Sophie. The Recently Discovered Sanctuary on the Forum of Ostia. Ceramics in Context. The Development of the Sacred Area from the Middle Republic to the Hadrianic Period (Theme 2 – Ostia Graduiertenkolleg) OFP Monographies
– Daviddi, Niccolò. Coins in Context. Numismatic Material from the Ostia Forum Project’s Excavations on the Forum of Ostia Antica (Theme 3 – Ostia Graduiertenkolleg) OFP Monographies
– Pedersen, Trine Bak. A Newly Discovered Sanctuary Under the Forum of Ostia. Sacrifice, Feasts, and Ritual Deposits (Theme 4 – Ostia Graduiertenkolleg) OFP Monographies
– Jensen, Jesper Vestergaard. Building Decor on the Forum of Ostia: For the Allocation and Reconstruction of the Marble Furnishing Elements of the Forum Buildings in their Original Context (Theme 5 – Ostia Graduiertenkolleg) OFP Monographies
– Damgaard, Daniel. Unknown Forum Structures in Ostia. The Synthesis of Stratigraphy and Geo-Physical Excavation Data Regarding the Development of the Forum’s Area from the Republic to the Augustan Period (Theme 6 – Ostia Graduiertenkolleg) OFP Monographies