These sections are now updated with all new information regarding “Post-excavation Work“, “Our agenda for the final publication“, “Discuss with us: Level-raises” and “3-D-Visualization“. Here it is possible to examine 3-D-models of selected areas. Furthermore, we have explained “Why do we use laserscans?” and “Future perspectives of 3-D-works“.
The lecture of the 28. of May 2014 at the Humboldt University, where Axel Gering spoke about “Ein Forum ohne Ende? Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Ausgrabungen des Ostia-Forum-Projekts (OFP) 2010-2013” will be summarized in the section “Public Presentations” under “University” soon.
New research on the visibility of statues in the last phases of the Forum in the 5th and early 6th centuries, and regarding the cultic continuity in the Forum area in the 5th century, will be presented in separate sections of this webpage and in the forthcoming book of Axel Gering: Ostias vergessene Spätantike. Die urbanistische Deutung grosser Flächenausgrabungen in Palilia 31.
The presentation, Ostian Marble Roof Tiles and the urban impact, from the 5. of June 2014 by Daniel Damgaard, will be presented in the forthcoming article in Romische Mitteilungen and as a summary in the section “Public Presentations” under “University“. Furthermore, the subproject “Ostian Marble Roof Tiles” will be updated soon with new aspects.
A presentation of Ostia-related research of Axel Gering in Hannover, the 25.-28. June 2014 with the title: “Ostia: Veränderte Stadtwahrnehmung zwischen Hoher und Später Kaiserzeit” in the Kolloquium: “Stadtwahrnehmung als Sinneswahrnehmung in der Römischen Kaiserzeit”, organized by Prof. Annette Haug (Institut für Klassische Altertumskunde der CAU Kiel, Klassische Archäologie) and Dr. Patric Alexander Kreuz (Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften der Ruhr-Universität Bochum), sponsored by Volkswagen-Stiftung, will be published at the end of this year.