by Prof. Dr. Axel Gering
The Project
A very short introduction
A basic question
Aims and Methodology
The Project Evolution
Excavations 2002-2007 and Habilitation thesis
Berlin Team in KBO 2008-2011
The Humboldt-Ostia-Forumproject (HOF) 2010-2014
Ostia-Forum-Project (OFP)
International Colloquia
Press- & Media-echo
Excavation & survey
Excavation, survey and pre- and post-excavation teams
About the relevance: Some examples
Rewriting Late Antiquity part 1: Catastrophic events & “Post-Barbarian” urbanism
Spolia-surveys: Unknown monuments reused in the late pavements
Rewriting Late Antiquity part 2: The last monumental Forum – its final reuse and collapse
Results of fieldwork 2010-2013
The Forum: Excavation history & open questions
Introduction and excavation results 2010
Excavation Results 2011-2013
2014 campaign: From a late marble-pile to Augustan temple pediments
2014 Chapter 1. From a clean toilet to a dirty jungle…
2014 Chapter 2. The third working week and an antique “marble-workshop-depot”
2014 Chapter 3. From late antique reuse to early Imperial pediment sculptures
2014 Chapter 4. A “fish-tail” and the augustean imperial narrative
2014 Chapter 5: A new supporting pillar for the OFP – the ‘Society for the Promotion of Research in Ostia’.
2015 Campaign: A view back & plans for the future!
2015 Chapter 1: News from the media & an anniversary of five years in the Forum
2015 Chapter 2: plans for the future & new cooperations
2016 Campaign: From a late- & post-antique lime-kiln deposit to a Republican temple-kitchen
2016 Chapter 1. Structural news and the first working weeks in August
2016 Chapter 2. Temple votives and kitchen equipment – an inventory of the Capitolium-Cult (and its predecessors)?
2017-2020 Campaigns: New sanctuary, marble decor and Forum development
2017-2020 Chapter 1. The Capitolium and its Hadrianic building programme
2017-2020 Chapter 2. The recently discovered Sanctuary on the Forum of Ostia. Ceramics in Context: The Development of the Sacred Area from the Middle Republic to the Hadrianic Period
2017-2020 Chapter 3. First Data from the Coins in TDV.
2017-2020 Chapter 4. The Cult of Vulcan – Sacrifice, Ritual Deposits and Dining with the God of Fire.
2017-2020 Chapter 5. Building Decor on the Forum of Ostia: For the Allocation and Reconstruction of the Marble Furnishing Elements of the Forum Buildings in their Original Context.
2017-2020 Chapter 6. The Search for the First Forum of Ostia
2021-2022 Campaigns: Deposit work, drawing and measuring and different deities
2021-2022 Chapter 1. The Architecture of the Capitolium
2021-2022 Chapter 2. The recently discovered Sanctuary on the Forum of Ostia. Ceramics in Context: The Development of the Sacred Area from the Middle Republic to the Hadrianic Period
2021-2022 Chapter 3. Coins and Metals in Context
2021-2022 Chapter 4. A Newly Discovered Sanctuary Under the Forum of Ostia – Sacrifice, Feasts, and Ritual Deposits
2021-2022 Chapter 5. Building Decor on the Forum of Ostia
2021-2022 Chapter 6. The first fora of Ostia
Small-finds & their significance
Large finds
Campaign Photo-Gallery
2010 Gallery
2011 Gallery
2012 Gallery
2013 Gallery
2014 Gallery
2015 Gallery
2016 Gallery
2017 Gallery
2019 Gallery
2020 Gallery
2021 Gallery
2022 Gallery
2023 Gallery
Daily-life & excursions
Follow an average day
At the Winckelmann-Institute
On the camping site and on the excavation site
Site Plans
Forum plans
Taberna Forum Rooms (TFR)
Tempio di Roma e Augusto (TRA)
The Capitolium (CAP)
Mundus (MUN)
Main Forum Portico (MFP)
Main Forum Rooms (MFR)
Main Forum West (MFW)
Main Forum East (MFE)
Main Forum Domus Portico (MFD)
Domus del Tempio Rotondo (DTR)
Taberna della Venere (TDV)
Exedra (EXE)
Foro della Statua Eroica (FSE)
Via della Forica (VDF)
Aula del Buon Pastore (ABP)
Casa della Basilica (CDB)
Taberna Giove e Ganimede (TGG)
Caseggiato dei Triclini (CDT)
Forica dei Triclini (FDT)
Terme del Foro (TDF)
Main Forum ‘Curia’ (MFC)
Main Forum Basilica (MFB)
Taberna Tempio Rotondo (TTR)
Constantius II (CON)
Unknown inscription (UNI)
Attius Clementinus (ACL)
Manilius Rusticianus (MLR)
Ragonius Vincentius Celsus (RVC)
Piazzale del Tempio Rotondo (PTR)
Terme Bizantine (TBZ)
Ninfeo della Venere (NDV)
Casa Basilicale (CBA)
Casa del Larario (CDL)
Project Publications 2024
Project Publications 2023
Project Publications 2022
Project Publications 2021
Project Publications 2020
Project Publications 2019
Project Publications 2018
Project Publications 2017
Project Publications 2016
Project Publications 2015
Project Publications 2014
Project Publications 2013
Project Publications 2012
Project Publications 2011
Project Publications 2010
Project History
Habilitation project: Präventiver Erdbebenschutz und historische Reparaturen von Mauerwerk. Drei Fallstudien: Piccolo Mercato, Forumsthermen und Insula del Serapide e degli Aurighi (Ostia)
Building History of Casa della Basilica (CDB)
Ostian Marble Roof tiles – a typology
The MFP apse: Documentation and building history
Programming an application for finds recording
Renovation and Statue-relocation: The Cultic Topography of the late antique Forum
Humboldt-Universität, Berlin: adresses & links
The Ostia-Project rooms: a new centre of research
Post-Excavation work
Project related activities in Berlin
Discuss with us: Level-Raises
Discuss with us: Coins
Discuss with us: Ceramics
University Presentations
Our agenda(s) for the final publication(s)
3D Visualization
Virtual 3D Reconstruction of Ancient Architecture in the Ostia Forum Project
3D Screenshots: A Slideshow Gallery
3D Screenshots Sorted
MFP in 3D
MFR in 3D
MFW in 3D
Trenches in 3D
Forum overall in 3D
3D Archaeological Field Recording in Ostia
Point-clouds and Ortho-photography: examples
Why do we use laserscans?
Future perspectives of 3D works
Support Us
Funding so far
University Funding: Aims & limits
Ways to support us
Contact Information
Impressum and legal details
Simon Nissen
Field archaeologist in 2012, photographer in MFP in 2012